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ZEND staking is a crucial feature to enhance asset security on zkLend and advance the protocol’s decentralisation roadmap. This staking mechanism allows ZEND holders to deposit their tokens to zkLend’s safety module. In return, holders receive staking reward emissions (i.e., stake reward APR) on their funds. The safety module acts as a buffer against bad debt due to extreme market volatility.
The staking program is designed to provide additional insurance, strengthening zkLend’s robustness and decentralisation.
To stake ZEND, token holders access the Staking tab within the zkLend app and attribute their tokens to the staking program. The staking reward accumulates in real time and can be claimed at any time.
To unstake ZEND, token holders need to manually trigger unstaking process in the same Staking tab. There is a 7-day cooldown period to withdraw the staked ZEND. During this period, the unstaked ZEND will be locked and will not earn any staking rewards. Once the cooldown period ends, token holders may withdraw their ZEND through the dApp.
Weekly Emissions: ZEND staking features a fixed weekly emission schedule, which may be adjusted periodically to align with changes in the total amount staked and the staking cap.
Initial Emission Rate: The initial emission is set at 4,807 ZEND per week. At an average of 1M ZEND staked during the week, the reward APR would be 25% per annum. A staking cap of 2.5M ZEND ensures a minimum staking reward APR of 10% per annum.